For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I miss the....................

 Evening walk. I got to see a few stars!  
I'm sure you all are thinking that I'm going to talk about family, friends or things I used to do before getting married. But SHOCKER I'm not. I do miss my family and friends a lot!!!! The things I used to do don't entice me as much or at all like they used too.  Well, I guess I better tell you what this one thing is. I miss the......... Well.....the stars. Surprise! You maybe thinking that this is a very odd thing to be missing. But I really am missing them. Now that Hubby and I are living in town (for the time being) I don't get to see the stars very much  or at all any more. :'(  I love the stars they are very comforting and inspiring to me. I love star gazing.  I remember many nights sitting by the campfire staring at the night sky. It is beautiful, wonderful, and amazing and God has created it all.
   Does anyone remember the shooting stars in August? Yes?  It was a Wednesday night and the sky was beautiful, full of stars with a few shooting stars every now and then. That memory is very special to me. There is something about stargazing that makes me contemplate deep thoughts and feelings. That Wednesday in August was a night of deep thoughts and revelations.  I will always cherish that memory. I look forward to making new memories stargazing with Hubby this summer when the weather is nice.  There so many reasons why I love the stars. I have only mentioned a few.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Sometime in warm weather when there's a new moon, you and Luke should go camping up at Lake Muskellunge state park. There's nothing like sitting on the superior coastline around 2:00 a.m. stargazing...
