For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Office Hours, Rain, and Doctor Appointment

I am at the office with hubby again today and probably a couple more times this week.  I love being able to help out at Hubby's work this week. Okay, I mainly love it because I get to spend time with my hubby while he's working. Which does not happen very often.  I don't do to much. Just mind the office, answer phone calls, and take down people's information. Hopefully, this helps me get over my anxiety of  being on the phone.  While not answering the phone, I get time to write my blog posts, work on my business advertisements and look up things for the house and baby! 

As I type this it is very cold outside and baby is moving and kicking a ton! I love feeling my baby move! I haven't really had much trouble sleeping as of yet, do have some nights I don't sleep well. But that will most likely change as baby gets bigger. I had a Dr. appointment the other day to see how everything is going with me and baby. My weight and blood pressure are great. Baby's heartbeat is steady and strong!!! Praise God!!! Still enjoying being pregnant, but also looking forward to holding my baby!! :-) 

The past few days have been super wet and cold. But rainy days in fall are cold, dark, and beautiful. I'm sure there are some of you that would argue that last point, but for me.... I love rainy days!! Exceptionally those in the fall. There is just something about a rainy day that makes me happy and motivated. Maybe it's the cold that invigorates me. I don't really know. I find myself making several cups of what every hot drink I prefer for the day, putting on a comfy sweater and playing music on Spotify.  I generally will organize, bake, and/or do some art on days like to these. I am even more in the mood to do these things now, because I am in full nesting mode.  ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. When I worked as a secretary, the worst part was answering the phone. I'm not sure all that answering helped, because I still get nervous about phone calls. But now I either pass it off to hubby or be a big girl and get it over with...
