For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Monday, August 24, 2015

Inspirational People I Know

         I am an introvert.  Its true, I don't like being in large groups of people. I quite enjoy being by myself. But there are those rare moments where I want to be around people. Yes, I said around people.  Of course this group is limited to a close few ( no more than 4-5 friends at a time). Yes, introverts can have friends too. They inspire and encourage me to do great art and to work hard for my goals.   I have been so blessed. I always come home from a visit with friends feeling blessed, encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  I love listening to their ideas. My brain goes into overdrive  during and after these visits. I pray that I am just as much as an encouragement to them as they are to me. I thank God every day for the relationships He has built.

,I really do appreciate people who stimulate my creativity and make me think on a deeper level.