For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Thursday, January 21, 2016

TIME FOR ART!! (maybe just some doodles)

OKAY. Let me just start by saying, that I have not gotten to do a lot of artwork in about a month and a half (roughly).  With all the wedding planning and settling into the new stage of life there just hasn't been a lot of time for it :'( . Now that there is no more wedding planning( YEAH I'M MARRIED) and that we have gotten a pretty good start in this new stage, there is time to do art.Yay! I've only done some doodling so far, but I am so looking forward to starting new projects soon. But I don't look down on a little bit of doodling. Actually I encourage doodling. You're a bit fidgety, bored, sitting through a lecture, watching a movie, or listening to music. DOODLE! Now I'm sure you think I am crazy for encouraging it. I'm not crazy.....ok... I'm only a little crazy ;) Here's why I encourage doodling. 

Humans have been doodling in caves for centuries. 

Some of the most famous people were doodlers. 

  • Leonardo Da Vinci 
  • George Washington
  • John F. Kennedy 
  • Thomas Edison
  • Mark Twain
  • J.R.R. Tolkien
It increases memory and retention of information by a WHOOPING 29%. 

Helps you focus on "boring" topics in a lecture or meeting when you have visual reference to what is being said.

 It helps people cope with stress by allowing them to let out their emotions in a nonverbal way.

It also helps with problem solving, allowing people to see the process in a step by step visual manner.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I miss the....................

 Evening walk. I got to see a few stars!  
I'm sure you all are thinking that I'm going to talk about family, friends or things I used to do before getting married. But SHOCKER I'm not. I do miss my family and friends a lot!!!! The things I used to do don't entice me as much or at all like they used too.  Well, I guess I better tell you what this one thing is. I miss the......... Well.....the stars. Surprise! You maybe thinking that this is a very odd thing to be missing. But I really am missing them. Now that Hubby and I are living in town (for the time being) I don't get to see the stars very much  or at all any more. :'(  I love the stars they are very comforting and inspiring to me. I love star gazing.  I remember many nights sitting by the campfire staring at the night sky. It is beautiful, wonderful, and amazing and God has created it all.
   Does anyone remember the shooting stars in August? Yes?  It was a Wednesday night and the sky was beautiful, full of stars with a few shooting stars every now and then. That memory is very special to me. There is something about stargazing that makes me contemplate deep thoughts and feelings. That Wednesday in August was a night of deep thoughts and revelations.  I will always cherish that memory. I look forward to making new memories stargazing with Hubby this summer when the weather is nice.  There so many reasons why I love the stars. I have only mentioned a few.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Techie and The Artist

Techie at work
The Artist 
We're quite the pair 
 My husband is an IT technician and I am a self-taught artist. Yes, this a big difference in profession and one of our passions. But we each love and embrace this difference in each other. (I would probably not have a working laptop otherwise ;) ) Even though I can't do techie stuff, nor am I very tech oriented, I still enjoy listening to and watching my Techie work.   I am excited to be able to be apart of Hubby's work even in the smallest way. This week I have been given a new part in it. I feel more useful now that I have something to do that will make things run smoother. (Its also nice to be able to spend time with Hubby, helping him.) Working with people you care about makes even the mundane work more fun. My Techie also takes a great interest in my art and about the art lessons I taught ( and hope to start teaching again, soon).  We each see the need to support and encourage each other in our areas of interest, talent, and passion.When we were courting, Hubby would often sit and watch me sketch. Now normally I don't like it when people watch me sketch, (it's distracting) but I like it when he watches. He encourages and helps when I get frustrated with a project. (and makes the silence less silent :P)  I am looking forward to doing more art and helping Hubby with his work. God has blessed us with so many amazing opportunities. I pray that with God's strength and guidance we can and will make the most of them for His Kingdom.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Married Life, Just a Glimpse

        A place like a house is not a home. A home is the people living in a place, where they work, learn, laugh, cry and above all learn about, obey, and worship God together. Well I've been married to my best friend for a week and a half now and it has been amazing. I'm not saying it's been amazing naively, but with honesty. Life is hard and life changes are REALLY hard, but I have been blessed with a very supportive husband, who works very hard. Yes, we've hit a few speed bumps, like the washer and dryer not being hooked up yet or the fact that there are still at least 10 more boxes to still unpack. But we've worked hard together to get things done and now our house is looking more and more put together each day. I am able to enjoy my kitchen and make great healthy meals for my hard working Hubby.
   One thing that is almost constant already in our new tiny home is music. This does not surprise me, as I grew up in a home with almost non stop music or music making and Hubby grew up in a home with a fair amount of music. I sing and used to play the flute (I do play on very rare occasions) and Hubby has just begun to improve his singing voice. If  you were able to peek in on us during dishes you would find the music turned up, me washing and hubby drying, and both of us trying to sing and harmonize with the music. It's a lot of fun and I cherish this moment with my husband. I love hearing him sing and improve in skill.
    God has blessed us with some many friends and family that have helped us get on our feet and take the first steps in making a home. I cannot express my thanks to everyone enough. I am greatly humbled by all the love, support, and prayers others have given us. Thank you God for all the blessings you give us!!!!!!

           Ok, now it's time I give you a look around Tiny Home.
Morning coffee with Hubby!!!
Coffee is a big part of our life and not just because of the caffeine boost.
It is a psychological pleasure. The joy and blessing of sharing coffee with friends and family is one part of our love for it. A cup of coffee is warm and inviting and this is what we want our home to be like for those who visit us. 
Espresso machine in the corner, knifes I got from my mom for the house, and a tub of spices.
Last picture of the Christmas tree. :'(
  Hubby and I had put all of wedding gifts around our Christmas tree before we opened them. There was quite a mess afterward. (Someone through packing peanuts everywhere. Can you guess who? ;P) Yesterday morning I took down the tree and packed up all the Christmas decorations for storage. The living room feels so much bigger now. 
It's comfier than it looks.
I was sitting on it while writing this post.
Even  spent a couple of evenings watching movies with Hubby on it. :D

 Finished setting up my little art studio on one side of the office upstairs Yesterday afternoon!
Yeah!!! I got some sketching to do! 

Dining room table. Hubby's lunch is in the box waiting to be picked up. 
My small kitchen, I have had a lot of fun cooking in it and organizing it. 
( yes the dishes in the sink are clean ;P )